About Us

Who We are

Over the last decade, there has been a considerable shift in the way firms are operating. Led by factors like evolution of technology, receding role of families and promoters, virtual operations, shrinking margins, increased customer choices, higher perceived risk and chaos; the businesses are seeing tectonic shift in their operating models. The goals of business transformation is not just building efficiencies, but also foster innovation and agility. One of the biggest challenges facing these businesses is over-reliance on the old methods and organizational entropy

Traditional business transformation programs are too large, take years to implement and cost millions of dollars. By the time these programs take shape, macro environment has changed and so have the problems and opportunities. Most of such initiatives have no “locus standi” today

Our vision of transformation methods is to build a nimble footed and agile programs that rely on innovation, give results from day one, utilize simulation methods (mathematical or empirical) for continuous calibration and use 360 degrees execution approach.

SVP challenges the status quo by questioning the underlying assumptions and beliefs – even the “holy cows”. We believe that a reinvention of operating aspects cannot be selectively done, if the results are transformative. We use a mix of rich industry experience, cross-industry practices and deep analytics to evaluate and design. Each of our senior member brings in hands on approach to execution of the solution.