
Healthcare Services

Healthcare is essentially driven by patient needs and evolving epidemiological conditions. Both these factors have led to newer methods and trends like value based healthcare, digital health, innovative payor models and health analytics.

Globally, healthcare industry is witnessing disruptions in the entire value chain ranging from advent of bio-generics to bioinformatics, drug development and even care delivery. The focus is clearly shifting towards improved outcomes, while reducing cost of delivery. This impacts the core of healthcare operations – patient journeys.

Analyzing patient journeys from multiple perspectives goes beyond just mapping out the clinical pathways. It requires amalgamation of segmentation, clinical imperatives, cost of delivery, payor – provider relations, care delivery models, clinical research and even speed and penetration of new drugs and devices

We have executed multiple strategy & operating transformation projects across:

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    Providers - primary, secondary and tertiary
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    Public Health
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    Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals
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    Generics and Bio-Similars
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    Research & Development
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    Digital Care Delivery